1st Year Anniversary

[:en]One year ago today, the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason commissioned the new District Grand Master of Lebanon, much like a Master of any Lodge, as a Master-Servant of the ‘collective.’
Today marks the end of the first of our five-year plan, a year to rebuild, consolidate and strengthen our Lodges. Looking back at these past 12 months, we have all enjoyed successes and witnessed failures, but overall, it has been a rewarding experience. We have all come closer together as Brothers and accepted an inalienable truth; that the only “Agenda” any of us will now accept, is one where Brotherly love rules! And as Brother Karpos said, “The strength of Freemasonry is in the loyalty of the Brethren to each other.”
We have all pushed our District Grand Lodge to new limits these past 12 months, put in an incredible amount of time and energy, and worked tirelessly to ensure our collective focus is always on our loyalty to the principles of the brotherhood and to each other. Like everything else in life, things happen sometimes despite our best efforts, and this was certainly the case on several fronts this year, but looking back now, we did well to ignore these and keep our focus on the objective.
Freemasonry is not a simple or an easy endeavor, it is a slow process of awakening, of building a higher version of ourselves, and to do that, we need to be ’inspired’ and can then ‘inspire’ others. The Order was founded to manifest this vision into a reality for the benefit of all. While discarding our ego, we embrace the notion that reinforces self-esteem for ourselves, for our brethren, for all mankind. That is the true purpose of the master builder.
In the words of Brother Winston Churchill, “Courage is the first of human qualities, because it is the quality which guarantees all the others.” As Freemasons, we need to have the courage to embrace change, the courage to stand up for the principles we believe in, and the courage to extend love and affection to a Brother, who, may have has lost his way.
This speaks to the heart of many of you whom we are honored to call Brother. We will stay the course, brethren, and hope that we embrace this journey to a true freemason’s heart. In strength, we will establish a worthy District that is perfect in its ashlar parts and honorable to the Builder.
We look forward to seeing you all at our annual communication on Friday 22nd of February where we will all share the vision of our 2nd phase of the 5-year plan.
Yours, in the Spirit of Brotherly Love,
The District Grand Master
District Grand Lodge of Lebanon[:]


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