Become a Freemason

Become a Freemason

You reside in Lebanon and want to become a Freemason? The Fraternity is open to all men of good report, above the age of 21, with a firm belief in a God, regardless of race, ethnicity or religion. There are many Lodges spread around Lebanon that operate in Arabic, English and French. Fill in the details below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you would like to become a Freemason you will need to fill in this form and a representative will get in touch with you shortly. You can review the F.A.Q. section below for additional information 

Please fill the details below


    What is Freemasonry?


    Teaching using storytelling, using the art of allegory and symbols, is not new. All influential teachers throughout history have followed this method. The system of morality includes principles with which every candidate is familiar with even before his admission to Freemasonry, but is presented in novel ways. Masonic teachings offer a journey of ‘unveiling,’ an understanding of the self (nosce te ipsum), and by doing so, re-introducing the ancient teachings that guide the postulant to a fulfilling life.

    What are the principles of Freemasonry?

    The principles of Freemasonry are exemplified through the three degrees that are ‘worked’ in every regular Masonic Lodge throughout the world. Each Lodge has its own Office-bearers, and is presided over by a Master. These Lodges are subject to the authority of the Grand Lodge that issued its charter license to operate, in our case, the Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland. Historically, the foundation of Freemasonry worldwide rests on what is known today as the “the home Grand Lodges” or “the Home Constitutions” which comprise of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and the Grand Lodge of Ireland. These three Grand Lodges co-ordinate their activities worldwide through a concordant and regular meetings held by all three Grand Masters. By becoming a member of a Lodge under the Scottish Constitution you become subject to the general customs and wages of the Craft, the Laws and Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and the Bye-Laws of the particular lodge which you join.

    Am I required to do anything that is off or weird?

    Freemasonry will never require of you anything which might conflict with your duty to God, to your country, to your neighbour, to your family or to yourself. Freemasonry takes you through a journey of self-discovery, which takes you through a ceremony of initiation then passed to the degree of the Fellow of the Craft and raised as a Master Mason. You will be asked to approach each ceremony with a calm and solemn demeanor, attentive to the lessons imparted.

    What Freemasonry is not?

    Freemasonry is not a religion nor a substitute for religion. The teachings of Freemasonry transcend all denominational divisions. In human conduct it is complementary to religion, but we forbid religious topics to be discussed in any Lodge.

    Freemasonry is not a charitable institution. One of the fundamental principles of Freemasonry is the practice of relief, and a Freemason will minister to the widows and fatherless in their affliction, but these and other similar modes of conduct must proceed from that “purity of life and conduct” which is one of the great objectives of all Masonic teachings.

    Freemasonry is not connected with a political creed. A Freemason’s political views are his own, and a Lodge may well have members belonging to many political parties. For that reason, we permit no discussion of political matters in a Lodge. A Brother may not seek to persuade his Brethren in Lodge to adopt this or that view in matters of governments may it be local, national or international.

    Who may become a Freemason?

    Freemasonry is not for everyone. While Freemasonry is not an elitist organization, it is a very select organization. The primary requirement is moral character; one whose reputation in the community is exemplary. But there are other requirements which the petitioner must have, such as:

    -You must be a believer in God, the Supreme Being.
    -You must be a loyal citizen, willing to discharge his duties to God, to his neighbour and to himself.
    -You must be at least twenty-one years of age (unless his father is or was a Freemason then the age of admission may be reduced, at the discretion of the Lodge, to eighteen).
    -You must be in such financial circumstances that you can maintain yourself as a member of your Lodge, meeting the monetary obligations imposed by being a member, without detriment to your family or yourself.
    -You must come at your own free will and accord, with an unwavering commitment to becoming a Freemason.
    -You must be recommend by 2 Freemasons who are prepared to vouch for your character.

    What does Freemasonry expect of you?

    The privileges of Freemasonry are no greater than the responsibilities of its members. A Freemason’s obligations will not conflict with those of modern society. Freemasonry reiterates, reinforces and re-emphasizes the importance of a Freemason living by the highest standards of morality within society.

    The calling of a Freemason includes loyalty to one’s country and its laws. Patriotism is regarded as a duty and Freemasons are told that they must not countenance disloyalty or rebellion. Freemasonry recognizes that all men, whether or not Masons, are Brothers by birth, endowed with the same nature, and sharing the same hopes.

    Freemasonry champions the cause of the widow, the fatherless, the weak and the distressed. These time-honored virtues, cherished by our forefathers, are observed amongst Masons where humility, patience, charity and gentleness are the hallmarks of purity and integrity of character.