Installation District Grand Master

Visit LEBANON – Journey of Discovery in
The Land of the Cedars, The Land of the Two Hirams

To commemorate the Installation of its newly-commissioned District Grand Master, Brother Maurice E. Feghali, the District Grand Lodge of Lebanon invites you to an enriching journey of Masonic discovery as we embark on a three-day event, with visits to ancient sites, in the cradle of Masonic Lore – the Lebanon.

On the Program* (tentative)
16-17-18 JUNE 2023


Thursday 15 June – Arrival (Free) Day
Enjoy a relaxing day in the capital city of Beirut, anciently known as Berytus. How about a walk in the Central District, or a seaside promenade in Zaitunay Bay? Lined with palm trees, the waterfront esplanade has views of the Mediterranean and the summits of Mount Lebanon to the East.


Friday 16 June – First Day
Re-live your Master Mason Degree through a historical tour to Tyre, the Land of the Hirams. Visit the Hiram Tomb and other planned localities. Get introduced to the local culture and its world-famous cuisine.


Saturday 17 June – Second Day
Following a half-day symbolic tour, attend the Installation Ceremony of the District Grand Master and his Commissioned Office-Bearers, in the presence of a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland and a vast diaspora of Freemasons from the four corners of the Globe. A Gala dinner will follow, set in a unique atmosphere.


Sunday 18 June – Third Day
Re-live your Fellowcraft & Mark Degrees, and your Board of Installed Master Ceremony, through visits to Masonically relevant areas. Acquaint yourself with the North/East part of the country with memorable site views and yet more historical and Masonic landmarks to discover.


* Kindly note that this program is in its tentative format. Expect more detailed information to be communicated subsequently.