Welcome note


Welcome to Lebanon’s Scottish Freemasonry,


On behalf of all our members and Lodges dispersed over the territory of the Lebanon, I welcome you to the official page of the District Grand Lodge of Lebanon, the official home for Scottish Freemasonry in Lebanon and the region since 1861 AD, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland.


Whether you have visited our page out of curiosity, or whether you are a Brother in a Lodge that is in amity with our Grand Lodge, I encourage you to go through the interesting sections in our website where you will find useful information on all aspects of regular and accepted Freemasonry in Lebanon.


Our masonic teachings charge us to live a life of morality and espouse the virtues of brotherly love, relief and truth. As initiates of our Craft, the lesson of acting with unconditional love to overcome obstacles (or the swing of the hermetic pendulum) is invaluable in today’s world.


For most of us, 2020 has presented challenges that many of us have never before been experienced. However, I believe 2021 will be a year of unity and alignment especially in the ranks of our Brotherhood in Lebanon; a year to stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder, and be our Brother’s keeper.


If the 3 enemies of masonic Light are tyranny, intolerance and ignorance,

then the sojourn of a true Master of the noble craft is one of action!


“May we ever be united in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness.”


Sincerely & Fraternally Yours,


Rabih Jarmakani

District Grand Master


Brotherly Love

Tolerance & Kindness


Charity & Care


Honesty & Integrity

Brotherly Love

Tolerance & Kindness


F.A.C.T. Lebanon

F.A.C.T. Lebanon acts by the Masonic Tenet of Relief, and has accordingly launched an initiative to provide compensation to Brethren and individuals who were directly affected by explosion in Beirut


hospitalisation, medicine and medical equipment


home restoration, workplace damage.


support of families, widows and orphans